Show notification after Save / Edit / Delete by using Bootstrap Notify
Method I:
Embed the code directly to the page
I use this method to call the notification function after the page is redirected / reloaded
01: Add the function definition on the top page
$(document).ready(function () {
showNotification('top', 'center');
02: Add the function to the bottom of the page
The function will be called if the QueryString “v” is not empty
<% If Not Request.QueryString("m") = "" %>
function showNotification(from, align) {
var lan = "<%=Session("MyCulture") %>";
if (lan == "") {lan = "en"}
var msg2show;
var msg = <%= Request.QueryString("m") %>;
switch (msg) {
case 1:
if (lan = "en") {
msg2show = "New record added successfully."
} else {
msg2show = "<span class='ar'>تمت الاضافة بنجاح</span>."
case 2:
if (lan == "en") {
msg2show = "Changes saved successfully"
} else {
msg2show = "تم حفظ التعديلات"
msg2show = ""
icon: "check_circle",
message: msg2show
}, { //settings
type: 'success',
timer: 4000,
mouse_over: 0,
placement: {
from: from,
align: align
<% End If %>
This method must be changed to avoid copying and pasting the same function on each page, it has to saved in a single .js file.
Method II:
This method will call the function and pass all the parameters from the code behind
01: Use the following on page load
' Show the notification
Dim m As Integer = Request.QueryString("m")
If Not m = Nothing Then
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me.Page, Page.GetType, "text", "showNotification('top','center', '" & Session("MyCulture") & "'," & m & ")", True)
End If
02: Add the following to the header
The content of notify-ez.js:
function showNotification(from, align, xlan, xm) {
var lan = xlan;
if (lan == "") { lan = "en" }
var msg2show;
var msg = xm;
var icon;
var type;
switch (msg) {
case 1:
if (lan == "en") {
msg2show = "New record added successfully."
} else {
msg2show = "تمت الاضافة بنجاح"
icon = 'check_circle';
type = 'success'
case 2:
if (lan == "en") {
msg2show = "Changes saved successfully"
} else {
msg2show = "تم حفظ التعديلات"
icon = 'check_circle';
type = 'success'
case 3:
if (lan == "en") {
msg2show = "Record deleted successfully"
} else {
msg2show = "تم مسح السجل بنجاح"
icon = 'delete';
type = 'danger'
msg2show = ""
icon: icon,
message: msg2show
}, { //settings
type: type,
timer: 2000,
placement: {
from: from,
align: align